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*This is the final lesson in the three part unit with Exploration Station and Creature Feature.

LESSON SUMMARY: This lesson allows the students to explore their imaginations and create their own new world. This world will be an addition to the project before it. They will explore creating a space to place their creature in. This space will be created on a 2-D plane and a creature will be placed in front of it. The critique will be group discussion on how the monster can function within the space, allowing the students to explore their imaginations further and push story-telling.

BIG IDEA: Allowing the student to create a fictional place to place their self-created monsters.

1.   How does freedom of expression allow you to explore your imagination? How does it make you feel?
2.   How does Tim Burton’s creation of spaces inspire you to create your space? How does it inspire you?
3.   What does writing narratives do to the artwork you create? How can it change your mind?


1.4.5.A.3 - Demonstrate how art communicates ideas about personal and social values and is inspired by an individual’s imagination and frame of reference (e.g., personal, social, political, historical context). 
1.1.5.D.1 - Identify elements of art and principles of design that are evident in everyday life.  
9.1.4.B.1- Participate in brainstorming sessions to seek information, ideas, and strategies that foster creative thinking.
W.4.3. - Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.
1.4.5.A.2 – Make informed aesthetic responses to artworks based on structural arrangement and personal, cultural, and historical points of view.
1.4.5.B.2- Use evaluative tools, such as rubrics, for self-assessment and to appraise the objectivity of critiques by peers.

1.    The students will solve problems in a group and produce a short narrative about the animal they are given
2.    The students will construct a 2-D, Tim Burton inspired setting to place their creature into.
3.    The students will develop a fuller narrative on the creature and the space that they created for it.
4.    The students will apply the elements and principles of design when creating the spaces for their creatures.

Learning Experience

Day 1 - As the students enter the classroom, their tables will be placed with worksheets faced down and a blank sheet of paper. One sheet will be a narration helper, the other sheets will be about a specific animal that their group will be given. They will be asked to take the information about the animal, create a short story about it, and create the setting the students believe it should live in. Then they can place the animal in the setting. After this exploration, each one of the groups will be asked to present their animal, short story, and the space that they placed them in.  The other groups can ask questions about their space. 
Everyone will go back to their seats and discuss what they had learned. They will discover that they are going to be creating spaces for their Tim Burton inspired creatures. Their spaces will be created around their creature and will be inspired by Tim Burton. The students then will be able to exit the classroom. 
Day 2 - The class will go through looking at the different settings that Tim Burton had created in his work and come up with good description words for these settings. As a class they can talk about what they do and do not like about these settings and how they can inspire the student to create their own.   At this time, the students will be able to explore within their skernals to discover their own invented space for their monsters. Along with the sketch, description words can be written into their skernals to help them describe their space. If the students want to, they are welcome to share what they had created with the rest of the class. They will line up and leave class. 
Day 3 -  They will be brought together to look at some of Tim Burtons work, to discuss his use of setting again. The teacher will go around the classroom and look to see the progress of the students. She will then show them a teacher example of the space that they could create and she will also remind them of how Tim Burton uses space, and how his character compliments the space. The students will have the ability to advance onto creating their ideal spaces for their creatures in any medium as long as it is on 18x26 sheet of paper and it has color. The space should also complement the creature in some way. Unless the student makes it clear later as to why it is different.The student’s will be cleaning up their spaces and preparing to go. On their way out the door, they will give the teacher a little information about the work that they had done that day.
Day 4 -  After the students are seated, the teacher will reflect with the class about what they had accomplished the day before.The students will be given this time to work on completing their spaces for their characters. The teacher will be walking around the classroom, giving them ideas for the next part of their project. Once the creating is finished, the class will have the time to talk about what they have created so far. The teacher will then stimulate their minds to think about a story for their creatures and the new settings that they students created for them. The students will then line up to leave.
Day 5 -  The class will then have discussions about the settings, the inspirations, and the words that they could use for the setting. The worksheet that was placed on their tables will help them begin to brainstorm their ideas and start to write their narrative. On a white sheet of paper, the student will write their narrative about their creature and their settings. Once they are done, they are free to decorate the edges of the paper, and will be placed next to the completed projects. The students will then be free to look at each other’s work, discuss it, and then fill out their little questionnaire about how they felt about their projects. Before the students leave, have a quick recap of all of the information that the students learned about Tim Burton and freedom of expression and how it is all positive.

Lesson Analysis

The student assessment will be done in three sections. The first will be through culminating class discussion about what they had remembered from the class. The second is a worksheet that just fills out the self-reflection of what they thought was successful, not so successful, what they liked and didn’t like about the project. Finally, it would be a teacher assessment on the student work. 

My Own World


The students will solve problems in a group and produce a short narrative about the animal they are given.

The students will construct a 2-D Tim Burton inspired setting to place their creature into.


The students will develop a fuller narrative on the creature and the space that they created for it.

The students will apply the elements and principles of design when creating the spaces for their creatures.    

Check Plus

The students will effectively solve problems in a group and put forth effort into the group project. They also help with the presentation. 

The students will thoroughly create a 2-D Tim Burton inspired setting to place their creature into.

The students will work to develop their narrative more fully and the space will complement the creature.

The students will understand and apply the elements and principles of design when constructing their space for their creatures.  


The students will attempt to solve problems in a group and show some interest in the group project. They try to help in the presentation.

The student will put forth effort to create a 2-D inspired setting to place their creature into.

The students will attempt to develop their narrative fully and their space will attempt to complement the creature.

The students will attempt to apply the elements and principles of design when constructing their space for their creatures.    

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